Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Buffy Rocks!

I know I am a couple of years behind the times, but I am experiencing Buffy for the first time and it is great! This is exactly how I have felt with FireFly and Lost. I can’t wait to get home, make a snack and watch the next disk. I was fortunate enough to have amazing friends who bought us seasons 4, 5 and 6, just one day after we had finished watching season 3. Thanks Phil and Chris! The worst part about this is that eventually you come to a realization that this is going to end. Buffy can’t keep slaying vampires and slaying us with her puns forever. And what am I going to do when I’ve watched it all? I can never again experience it for the first time.

That is how I felt when I finished the His Dark Materials trilogy. (Check out the Golden Compass movie site. You can try to read your own Alethiometer). I cried at the end, because I was moved, but I also cried to mourn the end of the reading. I will never be able to experience these books again the way I did the first time. Maybe that is why I don’t reread books very often; which is sad because the second reading can be great in itself.

But Buffy isn't over yet. We have 3.5 seasons left to go. I am looking forward to lots more great hand to stake combat, backless shirts, Xander witticism, and ridiculous and gross demons. Total slayage!

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