Monday, April 2, 2007

A night to recover from

Saturday was a great day. Dan and I woke up around 10am with Bronwen. (Dan had fed her around 6:30am and she went back to sleep.) We got up, dressed and went straight outside to enjoy the sunshine. Bronwen played in her play-pen as Dan cleared more junk from the inside of the garage and I finished cutting up the tree in the backyard and moving the pieces to behind the garage. It was a lot of work. But very satisfying as we now have an additional 20 or so feet of yard where there was none before. I mowed the vines and moved some plants. There is still more to do, but we have made quite a dent in just two weekends.

Eventually, we started to get hungry, so we packed up the stroller and walked down to Fishbones. (It was rumored that Cynthia was back from Puerto Rico and we wanted to see her too!). Chris met us there. Dan ordered a turkey sandwich with pepper jack cheese and roasted red peppers. It looked delicious. I had the house salad, which I had never had and it was delicious (and only $3.95!). We also ordered a few pints. Cynthia was there and she hung out with us on the patio telling us all her stories of Puerto Rico. (I was mentally planning my move there after only one story from her. I love the island mentality. I need to go live by the beach for a few years.)

After a few hours we decided to head home to "settle" Catan on the picnic table. Chris and Matt joined us there. Matt showed up with a case of Yuengling and two 12 packs of ice cream sandwiches. My hero!

We played a vicious game of Knights and Cities (we all agree it is more fun than the original version) and Chris one by 4 points. We have only played this expansion twice and both times Chris has won.

Matt drank 8 beers in 2 hours and ate about 10 ice cream sandwiches. When we finished the game we moved on to a new take on an old game: fire stump. Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. We lit the stump on fire and tried to pound each others nails in as it burned. Surprisingly, no one was injured, and I think Dan won all three games (yes, the stump was on fire for three games). Matt friends picked him up and I went inside to make dinner while Dan and Chris played cards. I made skewers with andouille sausage, and shrimp wrapped in bacon covered in a mustard, soy sauce, maple syrup glaze. They were delicious.

Then Phil showed up and we sat around the fire pit and ate s'mores until 4:30 in the morning. Dan and I played guitar. Not a bad life.


Anonymous said...

Wow, and to think that I believed that stump was the unsurpassed pinnacle of stupidi -- er, fun. And then along comes flaming stump.

Mr. Cavin said...

Um. Yeah, see, I feel a lot of jealousy because I was not there. An fire stump? I also feel awe.

Alice C. Linsley said...

Fire stump and ice cream sandwiches with beer. Oh to be young again! If I stay up till midnight I can hardly get out of bed the next day. Geez. But then I work 2 jobs, run a business and maintain 2 blogs. Not too shabby for 57.

I loved the photos! Bronwen's eyes are changing.