Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday Hair

When it comes down to it, I am pretty lazy when it comes to my appearance. I wear makeup, when I feel like it, and when I am bored and have nothing else to do. I also wear it to work because I have to. But given a choice, I probably wouldn't wear makeup at all. Also, given a choice I would never brush my hair. I find the task tedious and annoying. My favorite haircut ever was my college buzz-cut, no washing, no maintenance, and best of all, no brushing!

Because of this desire to not brush, most weekends I do exactly that. I don't brush my hair. That means that when Sunday rolls around, I am left with what I have come to call my "Sunday Hair." Depending on the weather, the amount of sleep and the hairstyles I have been wearing over the weekend, "Sunday Hair" can be pretty rough. My mom used to call it my "rats nest" because as a child I hated to brush my hair as well (some things never change) and she would have to wrestle with my hair for hours to get the knots out.

This past sunday I had a particularly difficult and ratty "Sunday Hair." Unfortunately, I found out at the last minute that I was going to try on my wedding dress for the first time. So, I ran to the bathroom, and dumped two palms fulls of conditioner on to my head, and got the "good" brush and I started to tug, scrape, and tear at my hair until I could run my fingers easily through the strands and not knots were left.

I know that if I actually brushed daily, I wouldn't have to go through this sort of pain on every Sunday, but I don't like brushing! So, until I get my buzz-cut back again, "Sunday Hair" will remain a weekly tradition.


qemuel said...

I share your buzz-cut sentiments, kiddo.

Alice C. Linsley said...

You always have had a tender scalp and that's why you never like brushing your hair.

Bronwen said...

It's not that I have a tender scalp, it's that I am lazy. Plain and simple.