Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Latest Adventure

I have been reticent about posting something about my latest adventure, but I think the time has come and anyone who reads this thing already knows what’s going on in my life most of the time anyway. Also, if I fail in my quest, hopefully none of you will point and laugh and call me a loser. And if you do, hopefully it will be for another reason, like I lost at Stump or Catan, or if I forgot to bathe the baby for the last two weeks.

I have register and am scheduled to take the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) on December 8th at 8:30am. For the last three weeks I have been studying, on and off, everything from the US Constitution, to world geography, to economics, to management theory. I have taken most of the practice exams I have found on the Internet, and probably will take some more before the eighth.

I have been making flash cards, cheat sheets and notes. I have been reading The Week, The Economist, Discover, and Spin Magazine (for the culture information.) And I have been researching anything that pops into my head as being important on Wikipedia and other sites.

In between the studying, travel for work, Thanksgiving Dinner for seven, Piper’s birthday and the general, get up, feed kids, take BB to daycare, go to work, make dinner, eat dinner, bathe children, go to bed stuff, I have been crocheting like a mad woman and have started a new blog to capture my crafting and crocheting projects. I have gotten a little obsessive about it, but am having fun. I think the crocheting is partly an escape from studying as well.

So, think about me on December 8th at 8:30am. It is a four hour exam (with breaks, I hope) and I will be ready to party hardy when I get out of there (or maybe just go back home to sleep.) Then it is 10-12 weeks until we get the results. That is the scary part. I am not scared about failing. I am scared that I might pass; and then what?


Mr. Cavin said...

I am scared that I might pass; and then what?

The orals.

qemuel said...


Alice C. Linsley said...

One day at a time, dear daughter. What's next is for God to know and us to discover.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellie! That is so exciting - I am very inpressed that you are even giving it a go at all! I miss you, I'm glad to have found your blog via KO's!! xo