Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stump Update

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to play stump. Even when I was pregnant, and very much against my mothers wishes, I played stump (drinking alarming amounts of Seltzer instead of beer.) Therefore, I was delighted to receive a response to an email I sent to last May including pictures of North Carolina stump, describing the viral spread of the game here and mention of our personal variation of the game, Fire Stump. The email simply said thanks for the pictures and keep playing stump, but it prompted me to check out the website and there I found mention of the infamous Fire Stump ( I have to post the pictures that Chris took, they are incredible) and I found out that Wikipedia has a Stump entry now, as well as a new Stump page at Myspace. I read through both and am happy to say that Stump is well represented.

Dan and I set the stump up in the front yard a few weeks ago, and we played with the neighbors while our little babies were sleeping in their warm beds. It was great, I even won one game.


Anonymous said...

stump rocks!


I couldn't find the reference to Fire Stump .. but your blog entry is #4 on a Google search!

Bronwen said...

The reference to fire stump is on the main page of