Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Story Involving Wine and My Nose

I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Last night I was lying on my stomach reading and I was drinking a glass of wine. This is what I think happened. I think I took a sip of my wine, put my head down onto the book and fell asleep, possibly mid-swallow. This is what I know happened after that. Dan walked into the room and woke me up, asking if I wanted to get into bed. As I lifted my head up of off of the book, red fluid gushed from my nose splashing darkly onto my sheets. If it hadn’t had been for the incredible burning sensation and the overwhelmingly strong aroma a wine, I would have thought my nose was bleeding. However, I quickly realized that it was wine, jumped up and ran to the bathroom to investigate. Actually, I just blew my nose, and crawled back into bed and went to sleep. It is a blessing, this ability to fall instantly asleep, and a curse.


Alice C. Linsley said...

Thank God that you didn't choke!

Aaron Rester said...

Yum, kind of reminds me of the bean freshman year. :-)

Mr. Cavin said...

I just passed this entry around the room on a handheld thing. We are all laughing and laughing. We are in India. We all love you.

Bronwen said...


That is the first story about wine and my nose. Good memory, then again, who could forget that one.