Friday, July 25, 2008

My Newest Obsession

Anyone who knows me well knows that I obsess. I get stuck on something, an idea, project, desire and I simply cannot stop thinking about it. Earlier this year a spent a few weeks being obsessed with the idea of having my own chickens. I research everything about owning chickens, coops, breeds, everything. I wanted chickens of my very own that were going to live in the back yard and be an endless supply of delicious fresh eggs. Dan said no.

Now I am obsessing about scooters. I have always wanted a scooter. Sunshine got that awesome scooter that I rode at her house, Vespas are the cutest ride ever; and today, instead of getting work done, I have been reading everything there is on the Internet about scooters. I have already picked out a few models that I would like to test ride and discovered what dealerships sell them. I have created an entire fantasy scooter world in my head that has me scooting all over town, looking so cute with my matching helmet and Bronwen chilling out in the sidecar. I simply must have one.


Kim O said...

Raising chickens is among my worst nightmares, though I do have a thing for fluffy chickens. I saw them once at a pumpkin patch and again at an apple orchard last year. They kind of remind me of cats:

I have thought about getting a Vespa for years, but I'm too embarrassed to ask whether I have to learn how to ride a bike first.

Mr. Cavin said...

Well, when you get it let us know what color it is. We'll make sure have a really cute and totally authentic Asian outfit to go with it: floppy hat under helmet, gloves that go up to your armpits, and a surgical mask.

Unknown said...

I too am obsessed. If I weren't such a darn chicken, I would totally buy one here but that would mean Driving one here and that is truly daunting. There are such beautiful vespas though and the adorable local brand called the "Attila Elizabeth" which is both girly and raiding-and-pillaging at the same time. Come see us!