Monday, July 14, 2008

My Salad

Last night I decided to make a salad. I was a little depressed about the state of the lettuce I found in the fridge, I think it had been there for almost two weeks, but I figured that I would fill out the bowl with other salad items to make the whole thing a lot more appetizing. I found some snow peas, some feta cheese. I discovered a few shriveled green onions that actually turned out to be very tasty after peeling away the outside layers. The carrots had to be thrown away as a rank smell was emanating from the bag. I had a little chicken salad and some celery that I threw on top. The bowl of salad was starting to look pretty good as I started rummaging around for some salad dressing but something was missing. “It could really use some tomatoes” I thought, suddenly realizing that I have tomatoes growing out in the front yard.

The rain was just letting up as I stepped barefoot out into the gathering dusk. The warm wet concrete felt wonderful and the smell of soft wet dirt and tomato plants wafted on the humidity. I crouched carefully next to the cherry tomato plant and plucked the warm fruit reverently from the plant. Walking back to the house with my tomatoes I stopped to grab some herbs, Thai basil and parsley, to add the salad. Back in the kitchen I cut the tomatoes in half and tossed the pieces into the salad along with the herbs. I am immensely proud of my garden additions and I look forward to expanding the garden and its contents more in the coming years.


Alice C. Linsley said...

I know the feeling! I have cilantro, parsley, marjorum, dill and rosemary growing right outside my kitchen door. Out back I have cucumbers, tomatos (3 types), yellow squash, zucchini, sweet peppers (2 types), string beans and honeydew melons. I'm harvesting now and enjoying fresh veggies everyday.

Alice C. Linsley said...

BTW, the Thai Turkey recipe sounds delicious. I'm going to try it.