Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm Talking Mommy

Not only has Bronwen started talking, she has come to a realization that she is speaking well. Last night the two of us were having a full on conversation. She was telling me how she hit a school mate in the face and I was explaining to her the downfalls of hitting. She was asking me questions and I was answering, and I was asking her questions and she was repeating them. She kept telling me, “I’m talking mommy.” All in all it was a pretty good conversation.

Isn’t it amazing to think the Dan and I contain all of the genetic information needed to create another human? Our combined cells created a human that not only has learned to use language to express herself, but remembers that there was a time when she couldn’t speak and realizes that she has learned how. That is amazing to me. I can’t imagine what it will be like when she starts playing an instrument, or writing and reading, or someday driving? Does it get less amazing as they grow?


Kim O said...

The self-awareness thing is totally cool, but I find it particularly delightful that her first topic of in-depth conversation was hitting. She's got moxie!

I can't wait to hear more about what's on her mind. You should let her dictate a little column on your blog.

Bronwen said...

This morning she says, "I go school mommy. I hit Braelyn in the head." sheesh