Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mother's Guilt

Truthfully, I feel a little guilty about the whole potty training thing. I was so anxious about what would happen, how it would happen and if it would happen, I kept putting the whole thing off. Then the lady at daycare started bugging me.

“Bring in panties,” she would say to me everyday.

“Oh, she’s not ready for that yet,” I would say sneaking out of the door.

“Bring in panties. She’ll be ready.” She kept bugging me and I finally felt like a jerk not bringing them in, so one Monday I picked up a 10 pack of underwear and brought them in.

“She’s doesn’t really want to wear these,” I said smugly as I left them in her storage box at the daycare.

A week later Bronwen was potty trained and only wearing pull-ups at night. a week after that, no more pull-ups.

So, I feel pretty guilty because I didn’t have to do any work. We had two accidents (which, frankly, were hilarious) and then nothing. No stress, no worries, nothing.
Sometimes, when I start feeling that “daycare guilt” that working mothers can fall prey to pretty easily, you know, where you think that you are a bad mom for putting your kids in daycare, like they would be so much better off if you stayed home with them. But then, daycare potty trains your kid in a week and you realize that they actually know what they are doing and that your kid is thriving and healthy. Of course I wish we could spend everyday hanging out, but it does make things feel a little better.

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

Tell BB that Grandma is sooo proud of her and love her very much!

I'm proud of her Mom too. : )