Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bronwen Rolls Over

I didn't realize how much my life focus had changed since Bronwen arrived until this very moment when I went back to look at this silly blog after having not even thought about it since Jan5. The whole thing is about her. Well, I guess that makes sense, as mommyhood has changed everything.

Anyway, Bronwen rolled over for the first time while Dan and I were in NJ visiting the Grandparents and uncles Nate and Chad. We put her down in her crib and she just rolled over. Like it was nothing. Dan and I cheered and went to sleep.

I had to fly out to Cleveland the day after we got home from NJ and that is when I received the email from Dan with the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L06mfLYj3k
Bronwen, the wonder baby, rolling over on You Tube. It shouldn't even be that big of a deal. We all rolled over at some point, right? It is just that I remember when she was inside of me, when I first felt her move, and when she was born and it was an effort for her to even open her eyes. And now, a short 6 months later she is rolling over and grabbing things and putting them in her mouth and chatting away and smiling and eating food. The whole thing is amazing. She is amazing and I can't wait to see what she will do next.

The Hazards of Rolling Over

Last night I heard Bronwen start screaming from her room. It wasn't the "I'm waking up and I'm hungry" cry, and it wasn't the "My diaper weighs more than I do please change it" cry, it was a new one I hadn't heard before and it scared the hell out of me. What my mommy ears heard was the "Something is hurting me, help!" cry.

I am not sure how many steps I normally take to get from our bed to her crib, maybe ten steps, it is not far, just across the hall. But last night I know I only took two steps, one foot hit the floor, the other foot was in front of the crib. (You've got to love those mommy super powers!) Fortunately, Bronwen was not hurt, just a little freaked out as in the course of her rolling over her leg had gotten caught between the bars on her crib. I gently disengaged her leg and wrapped her back up and she instantly fell back asleep. Unfortunately, my adrenaline was pumping so I had to wander around the house cleaning until I felt sleepy again. What is it going to be like when she starts to crawl, walk or run? I wonder what new mommy super powers I will discover then?

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