Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dream Log #1

For some reason my sister has decided to take me to a healer. I was unaware that I was sick, but she seems convinced that something is terribly wrong with me. Truthfully, I am only going along with it to get her off my back.

We enter into a dusty shop. Moldy kimonos hang from the walls and shelves full of unmarked cardboard boxes fill the room. A grimy glass counter is full of strange looking roots, minerals, and tiny bottles of green, purple, amber and brown liquids. There is an ancient Chinese woman hunched behind the equally old cash register sitting on the corner of the counter. My sister tells her that I have come to be healed. The woman stares at me for a while then picks up a large purple rock. It looks like amethyst. She squeezes the rock in her hand and it breaks into smaller pieces. She gestures for me to put a few small rock pieces in my mouth. I can’t believe I am actually doing this. I take two quarter sized rocks and pop them in my mouth and stand there sulking. The rocks are cold, sharp and have no taste at all. I expected them to taste salty for some reason.

Time passes, as it does in dreams, without you even noticing. I realize that we have moved into another room and it is full of people. I can’t really see their faces, but I am sure that I know them. My sister tells me that everyone is there to help the purple rocks suck the sickness out of me. My clothes have been changed. I am wearing a silk robe and I am naked beneath. I suddenly feel very tired and I catch a glimpse of myself in a dirty mirror on the wall. My eyes are sunken rimmed with dark circles. I don’t recognize myself.

Again, time passes and I realize that I have passed out and the ritual is over. The rocks are no longer in my mouth and the people have started to file out of the room. I am really weak, but different. Confused but my head feel clear. I start to get dressed and I wake up.

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