Tuesday, February 6, 2007

And the Dork Award goes to...

I have done something that may qualify me for complete and utter dorkdom. I really don’t know what came over me. I mean, I do tend to lean towards the dorky side. And I really don’t feel bad about it. But this has taken me to the pinnacle of dorkiness. I bought a Playstation 2. But wait, that’s not all. I also bought two games (this is the kicker!) I bought Guitar Heroes I (and I bought the game guitar controller) and I bought DDR (Dance Dance Revolution for the less dorky out there) and the DDR dance mat.

I was feeling like I had exceeded my dork quota for my life and I wrote Matt (fellow PS2 dork and Catan settler) and he wrote me back the best dork response ever.

Let the dork rain wash over you like a nerd baptism,
fill the pocket protector of your heart with beautiful dork accessories, let thedork light shine into your soul, submit to the future dorkocracy. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Jocks I fear no homophobes for thou art with me; His wii-mote and light saber comforts me. For mine is 100% all difficulty levels forever.

It’s the true dork inside of me that makes me laugh my ass off every time I read that. Anyway, the DDR dance mat arrived yesterday. I bought everything used on Amazon so each piece is arriving separately. Still waiting for the PS2 so I can start plugging things in. I think it is going to arrive tomorrow so I will have lots more to write about in the future. Maybe even some fun pictures of me DDRing. Ha!

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