Friday, February 9, 2007

Today was a good day. I had the day off so I went to work (stupid me scheduled a meeting on my day off) and then the meeting was cancelled. So I set off to get things accomplished. Went to the bank, the post office and bought some clothes for Bronwen and me. Then I came home and played Guitar Heroes for an hour. Why is that the most fun game ever? And cleaned the house. And took a nap. And picked up Bronwen and took another nap. All in all a very good day.

Now Bronwen is asleep and I am trying to figure out what I should do next? More Guitar Heroes? My wrist is killing me from earlier today so that is out. Maybe some more Sports Night, or Buffy. Or maybe just an early night so I can be rested for tomorrow.

By the way, tomorrow night I am going to see my hero, Greg Brown. He is performing at the Cats Cradle. I think there are few people out there who realize what this concert is going to be like for me. You see, I was going to marry Greg Brown. I have been listening to his music as long as I can remember. He is my guitar hero. And he is an incredible song writer. I can’t wait. I will write more after the concert if words are able to describe how incredible it was.


qemuel said...


I finally remembered to 1) read your blog and 2) add it to my links!

You write similar to how you speak, which I enjoy. Keep it up!

Alice C. Linsley said...

Hi there, Ellie! It sounds as if you had a good day. Great wedding gown too, but priced a little over the top. Why is it that the less fabric there is on the top, the higher the cost?

Thanks for fixing the link to Mom's blog (actually Bradley Drell's blog where I am resident theologian. Say what?) I just posted a piece titled Observations Upon Entering Orthodoxy. I join the Orthodox Church this Sunday.