Thursday, March 15, 2007

Back to the diet

It is strange to begin to live in a world where everything you eat has a number value and the goal of the whole day is to eat under your self determined number. I don't think I like thinking of food as number. I ate half a granola bar and thought 80. That's 80 added to the 350 I ate for lunch making a total of 430, leaving me about 370-500 for the rest of the day. Weird...
But it turns out that I have to lose weight, not only because I want to look HOT in my wedding dress, but it will help my blood pressure to drop and my sleep apnea to dissipate; two very good reasons to start counting calories. I have spent the last two days obsessively reading lists of calories for food I like and have come to the realization that it is going to take some work changing the way that I eat. Fortunately, it is all input versus output, so the more I workout, the more calories I get to eat. Since I am not yet working out, I don’t really get to eat much. Bike a couple of miles and I might get a beer! Hooray!

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

You will feel so much better. My blood pressure always goes down when I lose weight.

Brad Drell just posted my latest piece "Contra Paul: Teasing Out the Pattern", which you'll find interesting. An Episcopal priest already commented, but from his comment it seems evident that he didn't read it carefully.