Monday, April 9, 2007

Another Snood Game!

This weekend it was cold outside so nothing got accomplished in the garden and nothing got accomplished inside. It is too hard to have a five year old and an eight month old living and playing all day inside and actually get anything clean, let alone maintain it.
But after I resigned myself to that fact, it was a great weekend. We started design on the wedding invitations (they should be coming out soon), I did lots of laundry, we watched a movie and we played a lot. I also became obsessed with Snood Slide.

Snood Slide is the newest game from the Snood guys and it is ridiculously addictive. Think Chuzzle meets Bejeweled meets Snood. Yes, it is that bad. Snood was originally created by Dave Dobson and it is a cross between Tetris and Breakout (sort of). For anyone who has not played it, if you want to continue to exist as a functioning member of society, resist downloading it. So many hours…gone. But it is a great game and if you have any will power, go for it. I would recommend paying the twenty bucks to buy it as the free trial only lets you go so far.

I love Snood, but Snood Slide is the ultimate puzzle game for me. It contains everything that I love in a game; un-timed, puzzle solving, journey through levels, ridiculously hard levels mixed with relatively easy levels (keeps up the morale), it’s just great.

So I played for hours this weekend until my free trial ran out. The question now is do I resist the download?

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