Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tractor Pulling

Okay, I found this great article today about a 17 year old who is the youngest to compete in the tractor pulling circuit. Now, I don't know what you know about tractor pulling (I know nothing), but after reading this article it seems kind of dangerous. Nicole Snyder, along with her father, drive their own design of tractors. Their tractors are special. Instead of using piston driven engines, Mr. Snyder built tractors using 2-3 jet engines. Awesome!

Then I thought, wow, that must be kind of dangerous. And it turn out I was right. They are so dangerous because "each vehicle is so powerful that, if it were not tethered to a weight sled the pull association provides, it would flip violently, most likely killing the driver."

But my favorite part of the article describes the most exciting part of the competition.

"What really impressed the crowd were her flames. Tapping a button at the top of her throttle stick, which resembles the yoke on a fighter plane, Ms. Snyder shot yellow-white flames 30 feet into the air. "

But the whole thing sounds insane and I kinda want to try to drive on of those things.

The article is wonderful and offers a glimpse into a life that most people will never experience. Make sure you read to the end. Her last quote is priceless...and a little depressing.


qemuel said...

I almost hate to admit this, but tractor pulls are pretty fun. I went to a handful with my step-brother when I was a teenager (I promise you that there was no drinking involved...snicker, snicker). They are LOUD.

And I always wanted to drive one, too.

I have a b-day to make an appearance at, but afterward I am totally up for some settling!

Alice C. Linsley said...

Dental hygiene is a heck of alot safer!