Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Itchy Morning

If having one child is difficult then it stands to reason that having two should be double the amount of work. But in reality, two kids are much more than double the work. Now I want to know, what is three kids like, or maybe I should ask my cousin, what is having seven children like?

This morning was insane. First of all, I am completely covered in poison ivy. One whole side of my face is swollen and puss-filled, my left eye is closing ever so slightly, both arms are covered, and both legs are covered. Last night I soaked in Calamine but it still itches like crazy. So, this morning, I was itchy and irritable, Dan was sleepy, Piper was throwing up, and Bronwen was throwing food. Piper was yelling at me that it was my fault that she threw up. Bronwen was wiggling out of her clothes, Dan was blindly putting in contacts, and I was spreading anti-itch cream all over myself. It was a mad house. But, I guess it could be worse, and really it wasn’t too bad. It makes work feel positively relaxing though.


qemuel said...

Anything that makes work better...I kid, I kid! Sorry about the poison ivy.

Made the work involved with children increases exponentially? Makes me hurt for your large-familied cousin.

Get well soon, sweetie!

qemuel said...

...and by "Made" I actually meant "Maybe". Stoopid Phil cannot spell today.

Alice C. Linsley said...

Ellie, when I come I'll bring poisen ivy spray and we'll tackle that nasty vine in your yard.