Friday, July 27, 2007

The Beautiful Pacifier

Okay, so I am that mother. I am the mother who before her child was born said things like,

“Oh, when my child starts eating food, I will only give her ORGANIC food.”


“Oh, my daughter will never drink juice! Only water and soy milk!”


“I will NEVER let my daughter have a pacifier!”

But then the reality of raising a happy healthy child in the midst of having a career and limited monetary funds set in. I try to stick with healthy food, fruits and vegetables and the like. But keeping everything ORGANIC is difficult and pricey and for goodness sake, we all survived and even grew healthy on the stuff we were raised on.

And come on, a little juice isn’t going to kill the kid. Plus, it’s nice to mix things up sometimes: juice, water, milk.

And I was really adamant about the pacifier thing. People told me,

“Watch out, she’ll get attached and then it is hell trying to break the habit!”


“It will ruin her teeth; her bite will be thrown off for ever. It will cost you thousands in future orthodontia bills.”

But I’ll tell you what. The first time you are out in public, and your child is just screaming her head off with no end in sight like an evil and extremely loud Banshee and you stick that pacifier in her mouth and suddenly she turns into the cutest little angelic cherub you’ve ever seen, you know the pacifier is here to stay.


Alice C. Linsley said...

Here! Here! That's the old wisdom of mothers, all modern baby guidebooks aside.

Mommin' It Up! said...

WORD, WOOT, and HOLLA! As you saw, my daughter sucks on that thing like she's Maggie Simpson or something....thank GOD!

Hopie said...

"The Binky" was a lifesaver for me...especially in the multiple-size diaper era. In fact, we would all panic if it was lost in the covers or bottom of the toy box!