Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Buffy, Buffy, Buffy

Hi, my name is Ellie and it has been approximately five months since I last watched Buffy.

For about three months the show was my life. I watched it daily and invited people over to re-watch episodes and to sing along karaoke style to the special features DVD. We discussed the show over wine and dinner, and longed to spend time with Joss to find out whether our theories and questions were “Buffy-Worthy.” But then I hit a wall. So much Buffy in such a short period of time is bound to have an impact on your life. No time for exercise, reading, or even human interaction; everyday I had to get home so I could watch my show. So, I stopped cold turkey. No more Buffy for me. I had made it all the way up to the very first episode of the last season, and I had to let it go. This happened in February.

Last night, after my evening of exercise, playing with BB, and reading my requisite one hour of Foreign Service reading materials, I pulled out season seven again. You know, just to have a look. As I read through episode synopses I started to feel that old excitement again. That need to find out what was going to happen next! So, after five months of Buffy hiatus, last night I loaded up season seven and sat down to watch the final chapter.


qemuel said...

Heh. I wondered how long it would take...

Bronwen said...

We watched 4 more episodes last night. I can't stop!