Friday, December 7, 2007

My Cool Daughter

I think my daughter is really cool. There are so many things that she does that really cracks me up. There is one thing, however, that she does that makes my heart completely melt and pour right out of my chest into my lap. Let me set the scene.

Let’s say we are driving home from daycare. Bronwen is usually hungry and fussy and usually, all I want to do is listen to NPR. So I turn on NPR and Bronwen starts fussing.

“YAYAYAYA!” she likes to say over and over, louder and louder.

If I ignore her, turn up the radio and keep driving, inevitably the loud crying will start up.

“MAAA MMAAA MMAAA!” she will cry, over and over, louder and louder. Then, and here is the kicker, all I have to do is turn off NPR and put on some loud, energetic music like, say, The Shins, for example, and she will immediately stop crying, and start bobbing her head to the music.

Side to side, she will toss her head, laughing at herself. Sometimes she will even try to sing along. It makes me so happy to see her enjoying music; it is after all, one of the most important creative parts of my life. The feeling I get watching her and listening to her bob and sing to the music is incomparable. She is the coolest.


qemuel said...

And just think of the wonderful pool of music she'll have available to her via all her aunties and uncles and their off-the-wall music tastes.

Alice C. Linsley said...

Don't forget she loves ancient sacred music too!