Monday, March 31, 2008

CPAP Madness

Today I met my new sleep doctor. (I’ve noticed that the older I get the more specialists I have working, trying to keep me fit. This year alone I have seen the dermatologist, the plastic surgeon, the oral surgeon, the dentist, the sleep doctor, the gynecologist, and the general practioner.) My new sleep doctor is really cool. He is easy to talk to and funny and actually put in some time trying to figure out a good solution to my sleep problem. He also took the time to read through my sleep study with me. I was astonished to see the results. It was worse than I even realized. He told me that the apnea that I had during this test was severe. It turns out that on average, in one hour, I was having 126 sleep events. This basically means that I was waking up, on average, every 47 seconds. No wonder I was so tired when I was pregnant. Hopefully, the apnea is better now that I am no longer pregnant, but it is still bad. So, I am getting a new CPAP machine, one that just goes in my nose. It has a chip that records the pressures used to keep my throat open all night long. In four weeks I will go back to the doctor and he will download the results. Hopefully, all will be well.

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

I am so glad that you are finally getting to the bottom of this problem. A good night's sleep will do you a work of good!

PS: I have another blog, here: