Friday, April 4, 2008

Arrrrrrr, A Pirates Life for Me!

Pirate attackes rose by 10% in 2007. How often do you hear that in the news?

When I was a little girl, I was convinced that someday I would grow up and marry a pirate. I would leave all of my earthly possession behind and set out on the high seas to live a life of freedom from societal constraints. We would be a good pirates, we would only steal from other pirates and purhaps give back to the poor. I would be the Robin Hood of the seven seas and my name would be know from pole to pole.

I am glad that pirates are in the news, even though they are mean pirates.

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

Well, darn! With the shrinking number of flights, I was thinking maybe a cruise, but now this.