Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy "Day After Tax Day" Day

Tax returns are a beautiful thing. It feels like free money. I always forget that it was money I was earning all year long that the government borrowed to invest and who already made more money off of my money than I did. I forget that and just think about how I am suddenly flush with cash. This year was a good year. I forgot to change my tax form to take into account Bronwen and my new husband. Therefore, the government took way too much money from my check thinking I was single. So when we went to file this year, we were amazed to see the amount that we were going to receive.

Now the money is in the bank and as usual is oozing out of my debit card faster than I would like. All of the things that needed to be purchased, but I was putting on hold are getting swept up. Things are getting done, medical bills paid, credit cards paid down, etc. But I like having a big ole checking account and it is getting smaller daily. Well, money is meant to be spent.

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

It is so difficult to keep hold of it, especially when you have children to take care of.