Friday, September 26, 2008

No Gas! Again.

Greensboro has no gas. Let me clarify. As of this morning all of the gas stations within driving distance (my gas light has been on for two days) were out of gas. Even the $4.29 a gallon type, which I still would have purchased, being that I needed to get to work, was out. I returned home, called Dan and had him drive Bronwen and I to our respective places.

Does this make anyone else a little nervous? Maybe I am too used to this American life of relative ease. One in which gas stations always have gas and grocery stores always have food. What is going on here? How can it possibly be that there is no gas in Greensboro? Is this going to be the future for us? Fill up your tank when the gas is available because you just never know? I know that other countries live this way. I also know that gas is not a renewable resource. But I live here because I know what to expect. And I expect gas to be available.

1 comment:

Kim O said...

I totally agree with you. It's like we're one step away from breadlines. Both of my parents (in different parts of TN) have experienced gas shortages off and on since Ike. V. unsettling.

The good news is that we won't need gas once we take to our bunkers.