Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A great party

It’s been awhile since we’ve thrown a eat amazing food, drink delicious drinks, get plastered and play stump kind of party but Sunshine and Cavin’s arrival into town was the perfect excuse.

First, the food. We had caprese salad (fresh mozzarella, fresh garden tomatoes and basil leaves cut from my potted garden), chevre with cucumbers and spring mix and crackers. Chris brought an amazing cantaloupe which we cut up and ate with our fingers. Then Nikki arrived with the baked brie soaking in brown sugar, almonds and warm black berries (this particular dish was a huge hit with Sunshine. She sat down right in front of it and proceeded to moan while she ate). Then more crackers and olives, and the mojitos were enjoyed, and the wine was broken out. The corn was thrown on the grill and Piper carefully monitored it until it was ready. (Monitoring meant periodically yelling out “the corn needs to be turned!” and Dan or I would rush over and rotate everything.) While we ate corn I prepared the salmon fillet and the whole steelhead for the grill. The salmon I covered in mayo and dill and the steelhead (which apparently is some sort of trout or salmon, no one seems to know) I prepared with lemon pepper, white wine, lime and dill. Both were delicious, but I’d have to say, the salmon was perfectly cooked. Cavin was amazingly helpful with my attempt to flip both fish, thanks!

I think it was then that we sunk into a drunken food coma and decided to play stump. To learn more about stump go here. Basically, it is a drinking game that involves a hammer, nails and a stump. Sounds dangerous? Well it is, and incredibly fun (not as fun as fire stump!) We’ve never had such a big game; I think it started out with nine people. And somewhere in the middle, the moonshine arrived. Perfect combination if you ask me.

After the stump game, we made fire in the fire pit and got out the guitars; we drank and sang, and talked and then played two very drunken games of Apples to Apples. It was a delightful night. Thanks to all who came over and congrats again to Sunshine and Cavin for their “half-aversay” and six months of marriage!


Bronwen said...

I just checked the stump website and Dan and I have finally made it. Check out the pictures section and look for Greensboro NC. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

It was in fact a shockingly tremendous party. Not enough can be sad about Piper's eagle-eye corn monitoring. Or the stump. Or the food. The Wonderful Wonderful Food.