Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just Pure Laziness

It is not often that we take time to truly consider our mundane daily actions and consequences of those actions. Why bother thinking about something as simple, and routine, as how you make a cup of tea, what do you do with the spoon after stirring, and where does that tea bag get tossed? I certainly do not waste brain power on these thoughts, except that yesterday Dan was laughing at me, again, for not throwing the diapers away in the special diaper receptacle. At first I just laughed about it. “Yeah, I really can’t be bothered.” I told him.

This made me take pause. Why, I thought, do I not take the effort to throw those diapers away? It’s not hard? There are other things I do in life that are much more difficult and I continue to follow through. It’s pure laziness, I concluded.

I have always considered myself lazy; despite the fact that I rarely sit down until dinnertime and then again, only after the kids are in bed. So I guess I am not generally lazy, just specifically lazy. The diapers are one example. I started trying to come up with other specific lazy non-actions.

Unfortunately, I am lazy about my night routine (teeth brushing, face washing, etc) and I tend to skip more often than not. I am lazy about dragging the trash cans back up the driveway weekly. I am too lazy to wrap the string of the broken Venetian blinds around the window latch in order to keep the blinds up. I just don’t even bother and open all of the other blinds except for that one. It is very obvious too, because the broken one in right in the middle. I guess I am too lazy even to go buy new blinds that work.

I am too lazy too feed the cats and the fish, too lazy to move the clean clothes from the dryer to their appropriate storage place, (I actually have a great idea of a way to take care of this problem but that is for another day…) and too lazy to unload the dishwasher. Fortunately, Dan is not too lazy to do all of these things, including the diapers and the Venetian blinds. That works out pretty well in the end.


Kim O said...

This is just weird: I just wrote an epic post on procrastination, then came over here and read this. But if you think you're lazy, consider this: the other day, my sink became so full that I had to stack dirty dishes by my kitchen door.

Mr. Cavin said...

Hey, my maid would never let that happen.

Alice C. Linsley said...

You're not lazy, just over-worked. This too will pass.

Anonymous said...

so Dan empties the dishwasher and puts a couple of diapers away occasionally...

meanwhile Ellie keeps the house super-clean - plans everyone's social lives - makes sure we're all fed to bursting - blogs - writes wicked songs on the guitar - decorates the house inside and out - crochets 99 scarves a minute - all while working 40+ hours for a living and also raising 1 1/2 kids (not including me!)

I should be so "lazy"!

Bronwen said...

Awwwww! I love you too, babe!