Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Play Fights are Bad

Here is some advice for all you couples out there: Don’t have a few drinks and sit down next to your sweetheart and start the whole “play fight” thing, saying things like:

“No seriously, tell me what I do that really annoys you.”


“What else would you change about me if you could?”

These are bad questions to ask anyway, but add in drink, hormones and general exhaustion, and it is just not going to be a good night.

After last night I have realized that “play fighting” is not play at all, it is fighting without actually resolving anything. It is saying the angry things you want to say, without having to accept responsibility for saying it because you’re “just kidding!” It is purposefully saying hurtful things and getting away with laughing at the other person when they act hurt. It is just a bad idea.

I am not sure how to purge the ickyness of the “play fight”. Maybe a real fight is required. Or maybe just a sober talk followed by lots of make-up sex. Either way, at the end of the day, I think that honesty has to be paired up with compassion, and compassion is what makes us take care of each other and stick together through the fights.


qemuel said...

Although "play-fights" are almost always trouble in the making, I think that the occasional rumble is good for the relationship--as long as something positive comes out of it. We're only human, and we're gonna get agitated with one another...

And c'mon: make-up sex is always excellent! :)

Bronwen said...

I think real fights are fine. At least then the rules are fair.

Alice C. Linsley said...

In the end, compassion is all that matters and all that lasts.