Monday, November 10, 2008

Seat Heaters are Weird

It is cold. It wasn’t cold until yesterday. Last week we were having 70 degree days. Right now it is 47 degrees outside. Cold.

This morning I had to remember all of the tricks I use to get the car windows free of frost before I start driving. I had to make sure that Bronwen was warmly wrapped up, and I tested out my car seat warmers that I always forget about and that came with the car. The seat heaters work by heating up the seat and back from the inside after you have flicked a switch. You can set the seat heaters on warm or extra toasty.

Here is the problem with having seat heaters in the car. This morning I flicked on the switch to warm (extra toasty is too hot!), let the car warm up for 10 seconds, then backed out of the driveway to take BB to school. It was maybe 2-3 minutes later, when I was racing down the highway, that I started to feel a strange sensation that I was urinating on myself. It actually took me a few seconds to remember that the seat heaters were warming up, thus causing that sensation. It was so weird that I had to turn them off.

1 comment:

Mr. Cavin said...

That's so true. I can use them, but there is always that couple of uncomfortable seconds before I remember. And even after that one will have to deal with, um, cracksweat.

Good thing there's no mixed company here online, huh?

(Forty-seven degrees? #@&%ing a-plus! Pardon my @#!&%ese.)