Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Parent and Child Compatibility (using the stars!)

When I got pregnant a few years ago, I signed up to receive weekly email updates from a site called Each weekly email would describe the growth of the fetus and give healthy pregnancy tips. For a first time mother it is a great site for reference info. Now that Bronwen is two, I still receive weekly updates with tips for dealing with picky eaters, tantrums and potting training. This morning I received my weekly update. I clicked on the link “How tall will your child be?” but somehow ended up at the main page where I discovered the headline story for the week:

New! Mother and baby horoscopes
Get a parent and child compatibility report
What the stars have in store for your family this week

Now, I am one to indulge in a little horoscope silliness sometimes. I don’t actually believe that being born at a certain time of year determines your personality and destiny. But horoscopes are written so that you can get whatever you want to get out of them. I was, however, a little disturbed to see parent and child compatibility reports. Here is what I imagined one might say:

“Ooh, too bad. Scorpio mothers and Leo children just really don’t work together. Try again.”

You can see my problem here. What do you do if you and your child are not compatible; put the kid up for adoption? And what about the people out there who really believe in this stuff?

So I did a little research. I entered all of our information in to the mystic internet to see what this mysterious compatibility report would say about our little family. Here are the results:

Scorpio parent and Pisces parent

You two blend your gifts and talents to make a remarkably effective parenting team. You complement each other, and your strengths compensate for one another's weaknesses. Emotional connection and sensitivity are but two of the qualities you share. The Scorpio parent is deep and intense, with a specific concern for safety and security. You'll work hard to take care of your children. You prefer to keep family matters private and may even have difficulty expressing your most poignant emotions. Your children will open your heart to new ways of feeling. The Pisces parent has no difficulty in showing emotion. In fact, you wear your heart on your sleeve! You're a real softie when it comes to your kids. It's hard for you to say "no" or to enforce your own rules consistently. Don't let your kids take advantage of you. Firm discipline demands the respect you deserve.

I especially like the part where we will "work hard to take care or you children?" What normal parent wouldn't work hard?

Scorpio parent and Leo child

With her sunny, warm, passionate energy, your Leo child is a natural leader. She's the center of fun at her numerous playdates; even a walk to the park often results in little Leo charming a group of new friends. This makes you smile proudly, amused by your little one's natural popularity -- and quite relieved that she takes the focus away from you. Center stage is not your bag,
(so not true!) so it's a good thing your child thrives there! Your little Leo is quite aware of her own power, which is very different from yours. Still, she depends on you for a solid, dependable emotional base and needs your positive support and feedback. Though outwardly fearless, she's nearly as sensitive as you are! Good thing you're emotionally attuned and self-aware enough to be the strong foundation your little Leo needs to thrive.

Pices parent and Leo child

Your Leo child's energy and confidence amaze you. This little person is so passionate! Like you, she craves adoration, which you shower over her. Unlike you, she thrives on being the center of attention. Yes, this kid is a natural performer, and her impromptu performances and occasional dramatics are all intended to keep everyone's eyes on her. That's not a problem as far as you're concerned; you've been awed from the start by the sheer power your little Leo emits.
(With all that power she emits she glows like a Christmas tree!) But you're also intuitive enough to understand that behind her proud, courageous exterior exists a sensitive, vulnerable heart.Little Leo is very family-oriented, just like you, and she needs every bit of the affection and support you can give. You're a wonderful parent to this complicated child because you're able to respond to her inner needs as well as her more obvious outer ones.

Scorpio Sibling and Leo Sibling

Both these children are sensitive, passionate, and stubborn, and they both crave your affectionate devotion, so their rivalry can be intense if they start to compete for your attention.
(Because no other siblings ever compete for attention!) Good thing they get along well for the most part and show each other respect.Little Leo wants to be the center of attention and keeps the whole family laughing. That's okay with complex, observant Scorpio, who is happy to sit back and watch the show, if only to store up information for later. Yes, little Scorpio can be devious and even manipulative! And when those powers are turned toward her sibling, well, let's just say Leo doesn't know what hit him.The good news is, these two actually enjoy this cat-and-mouse dynamic. It's like a game to them: Scorpio enjoys feeling in control, and Leo loves to think he'll finally be able to best his sibling.

It is hard to imagine that someone might read these comments (which seem pretty generic anyway) and customize his/her parenting style based on the advice listed, but truthfully that is my fear. It is pretty clear (after imputing some random different signs to make sure) that whoever wrote these horoscopes has only positive things to say. I didn’t find any incompatible parent/child matches, so I guess that is good. But that is besides the point. I think parent/child horoscopes should stay off of sites like which in the past has always tried to present itself as a site where important health (science) and parenting (psychology) information is available for reference. Having the main article on the site be about parent/child horoscopes decreases the site’s credibility.


Alice C. Linsley said...

Horoscopes are bologny! I feel sorry for those who are so addicted that they won't leave their homes without a positive oracle for the day. : (

Felicia said...

Useful information, many thanks to the author. It is puzzling to me now, but in general, the usefulness and importance is overwhelming. Very much thanks again and good luck!


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